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Festival Packing List 2023 | Ratepunk | Festival Essentials

A Festival packing list is necessary for everyone who is getting ready to spend a few days in a camping area and wants to make sure every essential item is packed. All the necessary items are gathered and categorized here so nothing will be forgotten.

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By Amir

Published: jan 10, 2023 min read

Festival Packing List 2023 | Ratepunk | Festival Essentials

Festival documents

For sure the most important item to take with you is the Ticket and the ID card which allows you to enter the festival. As for the money, based on the Festival you are going to and their rules, you might need Credit Cards or Cash. It is recommended to have both of them in case. 

Another important item would be the Festival Timetable and the Festival Area Map. Of course, everyone has the timetable on their phone but the spirit of the festival is better felt when you are away from your electronic devices. A paper timetable and map that you print out from before or purchase at the site is excellent to have in your pocket to make sure you get to see everything you like.

Camping checklist

The first thing you need to do at the festival is to set up your Tent. small Hammer comes very handy here to set up the nails of the tent. The ground of the Tent is not going to be super smooth so some sort of small Rug that is not difficult to carry would be beneficial for your comfort. A Tent Footprint can also be beneficial to protect your tent and make a better surface.

Considering that it can get pretty dark at night, a Small Lantern is a must to light up your tent. Also, There will be many tents set up at the spot so it might get difficult for you to spot yours, therefore it is recommended that you take a Flag with you that can help you spot your tent from afar. 

The first and most important thing inside a tent is the Sleeping Bag. You will need to have Pillows and Blankets, and even extra Mattresses if you like. It is recommended that you take inflatable items with you in order to travel lighter and have more space. Also, many people take Inflatable Sofas with them and set them up near or inside their tents. Of course, a Normal Camping Chair would also do the trick.

You will need many inflatable items so it would be beneficial to have an Inflatable Device with you to make your life easier. These products can be very small and useful. Also, it is noteworthy to mention that you will need Earplugs for a good night's sleep.

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Camp kitchen checklist

It is beneficial to have your kitchen set up in a nice way so you can enjoy your time with your friends cooking and having drinks together in a comfortable way. For setting up this environment, first, you need to have a Camping Stove, Fuel, Fire, and then of course, cooking utensils such as a PotPan, Large Spoons, and Plates. 

Other kitchen items could include a small CoffeMaker that can be filled with the water you boil on your stove. Of course, Mugs will be needed so you can have coffee or other drinks. Also, a Cooler to store the drink is essential for a festival that will involve plenty of drinking. We also recommend you have a Multi-Functional Knife with you that can also be used as other items such as a Bottle Opener.

Good to have Plastic Bags with you to collect and through away the trash easily. Sustainable traveling and also camping is always important.

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Foods checklist

The best way to prepare your food is to categorize them into essentials and think of all your meals ahead of time. Pasta and Rice are always easy to prepare and can go great with almost any Canned Food. The Canned food you take can also consist of some vegetables and beans so you have a full meal with all the nutrients needed. Also, You can take Pork and Chicken Skweres with you and make them on the fire for a delicious meal.

Make sure to take some Fruits and Nuts with you so you get all the nutrients and vitamins you need.



For sure you are going to have your Phone with you but it is recommended that you take a small cheap phone with you as your primary or secondary phone. Also, make you pack a PowerBank with you so you do not stay with your phone or Speaker not charged.

You will also need a HeadTorch or a Flashlight to help you see around at night to find your way around and to the tent.



You need to bring almost everything you use on a daily basis and even more, this includes Deodorant, Soap, Hand Cream, Hand Sanitizer, Towe, Wet Tissues, Toilet Paper, Toothbrushes and Toothpaste, Sun Cream, and also a small First Aid kit. 



Usually, the festivals are held in the summertime but still, the weather can get quite cold at night, therefore, it is recommended to take different types of clothing with you. For the days and warmer weather, Sunglasses, Loose T-shirts, Hats and Sandals, and Shorts are preferred. Depending on the festival, you could also consider packing Bikinis. For nights and colder times, Long Sleeve Shirts, Boots or Strong Shoes, Light jackets, Gloves, and Quick Drying Pants will do the job.

jan 10, 2023

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