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Hotel Safety Tips for Guests: What You Need to Know

Safety is a big concern in lots of situations, and safety while traveling is one of them! This article will cover a small section of safety traveling, which is hotel safety for guests.

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By Amir

Published: Sep 26, 2023 min read

Hotel Safety Tips for Guests: What You Need to Know

Hotel Safety for Guests

As the guest, you should be aware of any danger or incidents that can cause you inconveniences on your trip. The goal here is not to be afraid of bad happening during the trip but to ensure everything goes smoothly and you can have a great time!

I personally take hotel tips and travel safety tips seriously because I know I would not appreciate any small inconveniences during the time I am traveling. So, I have gathered a list you can quickly scan and understand what to pay attention to when staying at a hotel. 

Hotel Safety Tips for Guests

Research the Hotel and Location

Before booking, look up reviews and ratings of the hotel and get a sense of the neighborhood's safety. Or, better, use the RatePunk safety feature to get all the information based on crime rates and categories in one look!

Stay Informed

Upon check-in, grab a business card or note the hotel's address and phone number. This can be useful if you get lost or need to contact the hotel while you're out.

Use the Main Entrance

Especially during the late hours, use the main entrance of the hotel. These are often better-lit and more secure.

Check Locks and Safety Devices

Once you're in your room, ensure that door locks and safety latches work properly. Check the safety of windows or balcony doors as well.

Don't Open the Door Blindly

Always use the peephole before opening your door. Don't open it for strangers. If someone claims to be hotel staff and you're not expecting anyone, call the front desk to confirm.

Stay Low

When choosing a floor, many security experts suggest staying between the 2nd and 6th floors. These floors are high enough to deter easy break-ins but low enough to be reached by fire department ladders.

Secure Valuables

Use the room's safe for valuables like passports, extra cash, jewelry, and electronic devices when you're not using them.

Be Cautious with Room Numbers

Avoid saying your room number out loud in public areas, and be discreet when handing over your key card to room service or other hotel staff.

Stay Private

Use the "Do Not Disturb" sign when you leave your room to make it seem occupied. Avoid using the "Please Clean Room" sign, which indicates the room is empty.

Familiarize Yourself with Exits

Always know the nearest fire exits and evacuation routes. Check the evacuation plan, usually on the back of your door.

Limit Social Media Sharing

Avoid posting your exact location or room number on social media to deter potential criminals.

Avoid Ground Floor Rooms

These rooms can be easier targets due to easier access. If you're in a ground-floor room, make sure sliding doors and windows are secure.

Lock Up When Inside

When you're in the room, especially at night, use all the locks on the door, including the deadbolt and security chain.

Beware of Scams

Be cautious if you receive a call asking for personal or payment information. Scammers might pretend to be hotel staff. If in doubt, hang up and call the front desk directly.

Secure Transportation

If you need a taxi or ride service, ask the hotel staff to recommend a reputable company.

Be Wary of Unattended Items

In public areas like the lobby or dining area, never leave your belongings unattended.

These were an overview for the topic "Hotel Safety Tips for Guests". Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Be always cautious, and stay safe!

Sep 26, 2023

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