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Airbnb Guest Review Examples - Good and Bad

Airbnb Guest Reviews are great ways for hosts to inform other hosts whether a guest is reliable. However, it might be hard for people to write them, especially if you are someone who does not post reviews online. Airbnb Guest Review Examples can make it way easier to post a review.

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By Amir

Published: Jun 17, 202310 min read

Airbnb Guest Review Examples - Good and Bad

Reviews are super important nowadays. When buying a product, booking a hotel, or even signing up for a service, we look at the reviews first. This goes for Airbnb as well.

Initially, only guests could write a review on their hosts after staying at their property. This has been a great deal since the beginning, as people tend to look at the reviews and try to avoid the properties that have bad reviews.

However, not only the hosts need to be evaluated by reviews these days, as not all the guests are well-behaved. You might give your property to someone to receive it back very dirty or with something broken. A guest might be rude to you or don't follow the rules. That is when guest reviews become useful.

The problem for some hosts is how to write these reviews or where to start. We will cover the Airbnb Guest Review topic in this post and give you some examples of good and bad reviews so you can use them.

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Why are Airbnb Guest Reviews important?

There are many reasons why it is important for a guest to write a review on their guest.

It builds Trust and Transparency

Putting reviews on guests can build trust for you and the guest and transparency across the community. 

Let's say you are a host who uses your time to put personalized reviews on the guests. This will help you be seen more as a trustworthy host dedicated to your job and willing to take an extra step to make the Airbnb community safe. This will result in your name being shown more on different reviews on Airbnb and, potentially, your property being booked more. This is good practice for you to become an Airbnb super host. to become a superhost, you also need to make make sure you have all the Airbnb essentials at your property.

This will also help your fellow hosts to be able to trust their guests. Your reviews can help them know if a guest is trustworthy and reliable to be hosted if the person could cause problems for them. 

Makes Guests more Respectful

As the hosts are renting their property to someone else and would like to see their property not damaged after the rental period ends, guest reviews have helped a lot. Guest reviews were introduced to ensure guests behave respectfully towards the host and the property.

Also, constructive feedback on the behavior of the guests can be an opportunity for them to learn more about the rules of the Airbnb community and become better guests. In contrast, good reviews can help the guest be more welcome in other properties. 

If the guest wants to book the property slightly cheaper or get an Airbnb discount, this might come handier. A host will consider this more if the guest has good reviews.

Note: We added a Feature to our RatePunk browser extension that can help guests ask for a lower price from the guest with only one click, and we have seen 80% success in getting discounts (Screenshot below).

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How to Write a Guest Review?

Be Honest

As an Airbnb host, you will come across many different guests. You might like some of them and might not like some of others, but it is always important to stay ethical and try to write your reviews honestly.

Providing details of your good and bad experiences is always a good idea. If you had a good experience, it would be nice to mention what were the good aspects of the guest and the fact that you would accommodate them again in the future.

In contrast and more importantly, it is good to mention why you had a bad experience with a guest in order for future hosts to know what to expect from the guest. 

Write Detailed Guest Reviews

How was the communication?

For some hosts, it is important to know if your communication with guests went smoothly or not.

How was the place after they left?

It is important to consider whether the place was organized after they left. Also, it should be mentioned if something was broken.

Will you host them again?

Answering this simple question can help other hosts a lot in order to understand whether they should accommodate the guest or not.

Write Personalized Guest Reviews

I am sure you will be tempted to write the same reviews for everyone, especially if you are getting many guests staying at your property. But it is definitely going to pay off if you spend a little more time and write reviews that are actually going to add some extra value to the Airbnb community instead of writing a review just for the sake of it.

20 Positive Airbnb Guest Review Samples

  1. "It was my pleasure to host [name of guest]!" They were wonderful guests who got along nicely, followed the regulations, and left the place spotless. Highly suggested!"
  2. "It was a pleasure having [Guest's name] as a guest! They were wonderful tenants who were also very respectful of the home. They are always invited to visit again.
  3. I loved having [name of guest] as a guest. They were respectful and careful, and left the apartment spotless. I'd be more than happy to have them back as guests.
  4. I think [guest name] would be a wonderful company. They were kind, did everything by the book, and even left a thank-you card. Wonderful to have you here!
  5. The entire time [Guest's name] were here, they were great. They showed up on time, had clear communication, and respected the area as if it were their own. I'd be happy to have them back as guests.
  6. "It was a pleasure having [guest's name] as a guest. They were kind, communicative, and thorough in their cleaning of the unit. I would have no issues with having them back as guests.
  7. It was quite easy to host [name of guest]. They were silent and careful with the space, leaving no trace of their stay. I have no concerns about recommending them to fellow hosts.
  8. I would highly recommend [Guest's name] as a wonderful host. They left the unit in perfect order and were respectful of the regulations. They are always invited to visit again.
  9. I had a wonderful time hosting [name of guest]. They were cordial, pleasant, and left no mess behind. I would welcome them back as visitors with open arms.
  10. It was my pleasure to host [name of guest]. They kept in touch, were kind, and cleaned up after themselves. Any future hosts would do well to host them.
  11. The time I spent with [name of visitor] was a highlight of my life. They left the home in excellent shape and were polite and responsible. I would gladly have them back as guests.
  12. "It was a pleasure having [Guest's name] as a guest. They were kind, and cooperative, and left the place in pristine condition. I want to have them back as guests in the near future.
  13. The best visitor I could have asked for is [name of guest]. They were kind, thoughtful, and respectful of the space. Incredibly suggested!"
  14. "[Name of Guest] was a remarkable visitor. They responded quickly, followed all the rules, and left the place spotless. They are always invited to visit again.
  15. It was my delight to have [guest's name] as our guest. They were respectful and conscientious, and left no mess behind. I would strongly suggest having them over.
  16. It was a pleasure to host [guest's name]. They showed great consideration for the area, were simple to get in touch with, and left no mess behind. I'd be happy to have them back as guests.
  17. "[Guest's name] was a model tenant who was very respectful of our home. They left the property in immaculate shape and were kind and communicative during their stay. I would suggest them to everyone.
  18. "It was a pleasure to host [insert guest's name]. They were kind, and thoughtful and left the area spotless. If they wanted to come back, I'd be happy to have them.
  19. "[visitor's name] was an exceptional visitor who went out of their way to make sure everything went well throughout their stay. They were reliable tenants who kept in touch and left the place spotless. Incredibly suggested!"
  20. It was my pleasure to host [name of guest].

20 Negative Airbnb Guest Review Samples

  1. We were hoping for a more positive outcome from our hosting of [guest name], but that did not happen. They had trouble communicating, and they broke numerous of the house rules while they were there.
  2. The conduct of [guest name] during their stay was really disappointing. They were constantly noisy and disruptive, showing little consideration for the peace and quiet of other visitors.
  3. Unfortunately, [guest's name] did not respect our property. They made a huge mess and then ran away without answering for it.
  4. It was difficult to host [guest's name]. Because of their frequent delays, we were unable to respond quickly to their requests.
  5. It was our experience that [guest name] was rude and unresponsive. They caused annoyance and property damage by disobeying simple directions.
  6. A lack of concern for personal hygiene was evident during [guest's name]'s stay. They left the flat in a terrible state.
  7. We were really dissatisfied with [guest's name] dishonesty about the total number of attendees. It caused overcrowding and annoyance to our neighbors.
  8. "[Name of Guest], unfortunately, did not observe the quiet hours we need. Their loud behavior upset other visitors and ruined the tranquility of our resort.
  9. We are sad to report that [guest's name] did not respect our house. The furniture was damaged, and they refused to pay for the necessary repairs.
  10. From the start, it was difficult to have a conversation with [guest's name]. They ignored our emails and failed to keep us informed during their stay.
  11. We were quite disappointed by [guest's name] since they broke several regulations and did not respect the property or the other visitors staying there.
  12. "Unfortunately, [guest name], despite our firm no-smoking policy, left a strong stink in the flat. Because of this, we had to spend more money on upkeep and cleaning.
  13. Unfortunately, the booking procedure was slowed down by complications with [guest name]'s payment. It was also difficult to communicate.
  14. Overcrowding and discomfort for other residents resulted from [guest's name] inviting uninvited visitors without prior authorization.
  15. We were really disappointed by [guest name]'s lack of tidiness and respect for our home. They didn't bother to clean up after themselves and left stains on the furniture.
  16. Several other visitors and the neighbors complained about [guest's name] because they repeatedly broke the rules and made an issue of themselves.
  17. The comfort of other visitors was negatively impacted by [guest's name]'s conduct, which included late-night partying and disruptions.
  18. We regret to inform you that [guest's name] consistently failed to lock doors, jeopardizing the safety of both themselves and our other visitors.
  19. "We were shocked by [guest name]'s failure to inform us of their intended check-out time, which caused unnecessary hassle for our housekeeping staff."
  20. Unfortunately, [guest's name] did not understand the need to stay inside our property lines. They broke the rules and entered restricted places against our wishes.

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Jun 17, 2023

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